Conditions BioReset® Medical Treats

Autoimmune Diseases

A 3D rendering of a genetically modified T cell that express a special protein called chimeric antigen receptor which indicates an autoimmune disease - BioReset Medical helps treat autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune diseases affect millions of people worldwide and can present in the body through an expansive array of symptoms. People most commonly suffer from immune system dysfunction; whether it’s abnormally low or abnormally overactive. Though the severity level varies, in every autoimmune disease, the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells in the body. Any part of the body can fall victim to this attack, which is why there is such a wide variety of symptoms from patient to patient. Typically, we see patients who are suffering from fatigue, pain, swelling, and related symptoms.

At BioReset® Medical, we apply autoimmune disease treatments to help alleviate the symptoms and assist people on the pathway to recovery from their disease. We employ various progressive and natural functional medicine techniques.


Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that tends to occur in women more often than in men. There is still much to be understood and learned about fibromyalgia; however, a typical symptom is pain throughout the body. There is no known cure for this condition.


Lupus is an autoimmune disease comprised of four categories: systemic lupus erythematosus or SLE (the most common type), cutaneous lupus (presents on the skin), drug-induced lupus (occurs as a result of certain prescription drugs), and neonatal lupus (this rare type of lupus affects babies born from women with the disease). With systemic lupus erythematosus, a person’s immune system can attack and affect any organ in their body. Similar to RA and Fibromyalgia, SLE seems to affect more women than men. Both the presentations of the symptoms can be quite broad; however, common symptoms of SLE are joint pain, fatigue, and rashes.

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis, often referred to as MS, affects a person’s central nervous system. Multiple Sclerosis is considered an autoimmune disease because it occurs when a person’s immune system attacks the myelin (a material that wraps around nerve fibers). As a result of this attack, the nerve fibers become exposed and damaged. When damaged, signals to the brain can become interrupted. Though symptoms of MS can vary, they can include issues with walking, vision, and muscle spasms. People also report numbing sensations or tingling as well as feeling fatigued. Other symptoms may include depression or anxiety, discomfort in your muscles, and brain fog.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis, also known as RA, is both an inflammatory and an autoimmune disease, in which a person’s immune system incorrectly attacks the lining of their joints. The results of this wrongful attack on the joint tissue can be chronic pain and damage. Things like gender (more women over men), age (older people over younger people), being overweight, and genetics all seem to play a role in a person’s likelihood of getting RA.


Thyroiditis refers to inflammation of the thyroid gland and can be caused by several different issues and underlying diseases. The thyroid is a gland of the endocrine system located on the lower neck and it controls our metabolic rate via the release of specific hormones. Depending on the cause of thyroiditis, a person’s metabolism may be overactive (hyperthyroidism) or underactive (hypothyroidism) and can potentially cause them to feel jittery or fatigued.

Patient Testimonials

"Dr. Cook found the root cause of my complex health issues where dozens of doctors had missed it. I am grateful for his guidance as we unwind my health issues and address the root cause."
"My conditions have been complicated, so many previous doctors threw in the towel on me. Dr. Cook stuck with me the entire way, even when the answers took time to figure out, he never gave up. I am forever grateful for his care."
"I was suffering from extreme chronic fatigue. BioReset Medical's IV therapy and especially NAD+ restored my energy over several months of treatment. I went from being in bed or on the couch all day to back up and engaging with the world again! Thank you BioReset!"

The Next Step To Improve Your Health

Whether you are seeking treatment for a specific condition or looking to optimize your overall health and wellness, we are here to help. Please feel free to contact us to schedule a conversation with one of our providers. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you on your journey to optimal health.
An older gentlemen getting help from a nurse while lifting weights.
Molecules that look like glass on a light blue background indicating BioReset Medical's commitment to concierge medicine