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Dr. Cook Roundtable Q&A Series: A Functional Medicine Approach to Treating Mold and Mycotoxins

June 5, 2020
Listen Time: 
1h 5 min
BioReset Medical podcast background

In this informative Q & A webinar Dr. Cook gives a detailed description of both functional and regenerative medical strategies used to treat various conditions, including multiple sclerosis.

Dr. Cook identifies and treats the underlying factors contributing to the patient’s neurological symptoms. His protocols are personalized for each patient and are multimodal in nature addressing the physical, mental and emotional components.

Here are links to information and resources that Dr. Cook mentions in this webinar.

Ozone system for washing machines to eliminate mold:

Research study:
Effective Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury in Rowett Nude Rats with Stromal Vascular Fraction Transplantation, 2018


Mold and mycotoxin information from Dr. Andrew Campbell:

Tune in to this insightful discussion.

 And then I found mold and all these symptoms, and then it's always like six months later it's like, oh my God. Hey, how are you? Yeah, it turns out we had a gigantic mold thing in our basement. We had no idea it was there. You're listening to a Bio Reset medical podcast with Dr. Cook. If you have questions or wanna talk more about your symptoms and issues, you can always reach us at 6 5 0 8 8 8 7 9 5 0.

The following is a q and a hosted by Dr. Cook, where he hosts weekly calls with doctors. So I've got a couple, um, I've got some case studies here to go over, which I think might be kinda interesting. Uh, so here's one from Dr. Uh Webb. Uh, the, can we discuss, uh, treatments for. MS patients and therapies for healing the blood brain barrier.

That's a good one. Um, these just get handed to me like 10 seconds before I sit down. So I haven't, I haven't thought about this. Uh, but we've, I've taken care of a lot of people with ms. Uh, which is interesting. And, um, uh,

a, a, a couple things. One ozones, surprisingly helpful for ms, I actually read that there was an MS model, um, that they had in animals. And, uh, in that model, uh, there were animals, uh, and there was supposed to be an infectious component to it. And, uh, they, they had, uh, an animal, animal model for ms. And in that animal model they had, um, I gotta look and figure out where this, I haven't read this in years, but in that model, they took, uh, uh, stool and then, uh, did a stool transplant from, uh, mice with, with the illness, uh, into mice without, and then the mice developed the illness.

And the idea is, is that, uh, that there may be infectious, an infectious disease component, uh, to ms. And it was interesting cuz I have a patient who. I saw years ago, and she came in and, and, and so she didn't wanna do an iv. And so I did, uh, I did, I said, well, we could do rectal ozone. And I, and so we had that and like, I like, uh, showed her how to do that and then she was like, oh, my MS symptoms are like 50% better, like right on the spot.

And it was kind of like one of the, it was, it, it, it, it taught me at a very early moment what a profound and interesting thing, uh, ozone is. And that was rectal ozone. And the interesting thing about that is, is that I've been concerned, and I'm still sort of concerned to some extent about doing rectal low zone because, um, uh, it's affecting the microbiome of the colon.

And so, uh, That could be good if it was extremely dysbiotic, but that also, uh, could be bad because you're affecting the balance of good and bad. And so, uh, uh, what I always say is if you're gonna do rectal low zone, it's super important to do a lot of probiotics and, and make sure that you're, anything that you're killing, you're, you're replacing and resetting.

Um, and, uh, in terms of a, uh, a dose of ozone, obviously the IVs work great. Um, and then you can make ozone water and drink that. And the small intestine is supposed to be sterile. So as a way to get ozone in, uh, if you make ozone water, and that comes in the, the ozone water is in the small intestine, and that's supposed to be sterile.

Obviously people can have sibo, and so there's bacteria in there are sifo, which is, uh, uh, uh, fungal growth, and often it's some consolation and combination in there. Um, and so, uh, uh, but uh, in, in her case, that was fairly transformative. Now, interestingly, The, the first step on neurocognitive, neurodegenerative, Lyme, everything else is to, in broad terms, get a sense of what's happening.

And so then I think, um, uh, and so then that would be my case for, for ms. So, uh, number one, uh, is mold an issue and so I do a urine mycotoxin. Uh, if that was positive, then for sure I would do a markon, because often a biofilm in the nose is the cause for mold. Alternatively, if, uh, and, and so, and I would ask 'em if they have any symptoms and if they have nasal symptoms and um, uh, and they had a high amount of.

Urine mycotoxins, then I would definitely do this nasal swab and that nasal swab sent is for marons, which is, uh, multiple anti-biotic resistant, coag negative, uh, uh, and uh, strep. And uh, so then we'll do that. And then we will, um, then, and then if I find that to be positive, then we do the, uh, different protocols of treating the, treating that biofilm to make that go away.

So nebulized glutathione, nebulized hypertonic, uh, minerals is kind of good and super cheap and easy and nothing bad happens when you do that. Then, uh, there's a bunch of, um, Microbial sprays. The most common one that people will do for that is begs uh, spray. Um, uh, and then there's also, uh, people who will make colloidal silver sprays and, and we will certainly, uh, do those and have had good experiences with those.

The other thing I'll look for is, um, uh, gastrointestinal infections. And so we'll do, uh, stool testing. I'll try to get a sense is there SIBO or sifo and, um, and then try to get a sense of if there's a lot going on and if there are biofilms and de develop and design a, a functional medicine approach to treating the gut.

And so then that, those first two things are, are super important. If I think that there's mold, um, I'll, I'll do the, the, we have a mold antibody test that we use, which I is fantastic. And, um, uh, Dr. Uh, Campbell. Uh, if you, uh, email Kristen, I'm gonna email her a couple. I've got a couple of good PDFs on mold that he uses that are, that are kind of nice to have and you can run through those with patients.

Um, and, and he's a great thought leader and, and when I see high levels of mold mycotoxins in the urine, and then when I see high levels of mold antibodies in the blood, that gives me a sense that obviously this is a big problem. And this has been driving and immunologic response, which is dysregulating the body because it's supposed to be focusing on whatever it's supposed to be focusing on.

And, and if you look at, um, if you look at the levels of mycotoxins in the urine, A lot of times you'll see if the high end of the normal range is 10, or the high end of the normal range is 150 with people with neurocognitive and neurodegenerative problems, it is not at all surprising to see a level that's 10 times above the normal range.

And so then you go, well, that's crazy. What's going on with that? And I think that, uh, when we always talk about, uh, Lyme disease, but then as we were talking last week, we were talking about all the co-infections that are related to Lyme. I think that. When, when you're started to talk about anything in the neurocognitive neurodegenerative, I think that the first thing you have to do is rule out mold, because we've seen so many times where mold levels are unbelievably high.

And so I think of mold as is kind of like a co-infection or a driver of neurologic inflammatory problems. And, uh, and I think a lot of times that comes from the nose, a lot of times that's in a water damaged building. A lot of times there's mold in, um, someone's house, front loading washer machines or uh, un our mold factories.

And I've had, uh, in my own, like when I lived in an apartment, I, I had multiple times where you, you looked and then you, you, you opened the little door on the front loader and there's a little, uh, There's a little, um, rubber thing there, and if you look behind it, there's always mold in there. And so then the fir, whenever I have people like this, then I have them do IRMI test thing or if I can, I get them to have somebody come out to their house and figure out what's going on and see if there's mold.

I've had, I don't know, like 40 40 or people that were like high net worth, unbelievably beautiful houses, and I found mold and all these symptoms, and then it's always like six months later it's like, oh my God. Hey, how are you? Yeah. It turns out we had a gigantic mold thing in our basement and we had no idea that it was there, so it's just super common and it's like you just have to check every box off.

And then, uh, if email, email, Barb. Um, or email Kristen on this. I'm gonna, I feel like I, I'm gonna wanna give you a money back guarantee on what I'm gonna say next because it's so amazing. My friend Zui Boo was this, uh, anesthesiology resident with me, and we were, um, and he would always give people a money back guarantee, so it was kind of funny.

But there's a machine, it costs $360, and what it is, is, uh, uh, you run cold water through this little ozone machine before it goes into your washer and dryer. And so you don't have to use soap and then you don't have to use, um, uh, any detergent or anything. And the ozone levels are really high. Your clothes smell totally perfect with no smell.

And it's like an amazing anti mold thing. And so then, uh, I got, I got one of these from my house, and it's like the, it's honestly one of the greatest things I've ever found. And so then whenever, um, and so I have like a piece of paper with the name of it and like literally people sit and then during the, during my consult, they'll like order 'em.

If you have a front loader, then I would just, uh, get rid of it and get a top loader. It's like, it's like literally that important. Um, and so then I always have people it on the MS side go through that whole workup and figure all of that stuff out because I think it's super important. Um, the, um, I take a history for tick bites and all of that stuff, and tickborne illnesses and because I think that there's a, a significant concordance of Lyme disease and MS as well as some of the other neuro, uh, cognitive and neurodegenerative, uh, problems.

And so definitely try to rule those out. Um, I think that there's a, a gut brain thyroid axis that, and, and they're always talking about an A four M and, and, and trying to reinforce with cases. And, um, my, my thought is, is that as you're talking through how people are doing, uh, I think a lot of times. Brain fog and a lot of the neurological symptoms actually relate to leaky gut that is SIBO and, and sifo.

And, and so then beginning to address that, uh, is I think a game changer for so many people. Um, and, and, uh, I've, I've, I've got a bunch of ideas that's probably like a full of, that would be like a good, kind of a hour long. I talk to kind of go through that whole piece if you wanna do that in the next, uh, little bit.

Um, uh, the.

I think that it, it, as soon as you start to go down the Lyme neurologic, uh, uh, fatigue, then there's this concept of chronic viral. And so sometimes I think one, one way of thinking of chronic fatigue is chronic viral. Another sometimes does chronic Lyme in the, when we do our Lyme workup, we'll do, we'll do a, uh, a blood test where we'll look for vi viral titers and almost everybody that is in chronic Lyme and sick category, uh, a high percentage of them will be, have high, uh, mycotoxin and, and, and will have a mold component.

But a, a high percentage will have, um, We'll have, uh, E B V C M V, human herpes six, uh, and a constellation of other sort of viral, uh, high titers. Uh, fortunately we've, we've in a fair bit of depth, talked about, uh, everything good that we can do on, on that front, um, over the last few months. And so then I think that's, that's good.

I think, I think I, vone is the best, best thing for that. Um, uh, the, there's, I had a great case yesterday of, um, a, uh, a, a kid I call someone who's in their twenties, a kid who I super like and, um, was ki it is Lyme and chronic illness and it is been difficult case, but it's kind of moving in the right direction.

And then, um, uh, it was. Uh, developed lymph cervical lymphadenopathy and, uh, a super sore throat and, and came in and it was interesting cuz she was, she was gonna go to the urgent care, but she wanted to come to Wes instead. And, and this is, uh, this is kind of like part of who we are. I think it's just kind of interesting.

And so then, uh, my friend Mike Stone is a super smart er doctor. So then I just called him if I, I always kind of call you Jan if he didn't pick up. So, um, but, uh, so anyways, we talked it through. Turns out the symptoms have been coming on for a month and the, um, the, uh, there was a bilateral tonsil or exudate.

There was no, um, no shift of the uvula. She could open her mouth really well and you could see in. Um, and he felt that based on the fact that she could open her mouth, well, that it was a slow indolent course that came over more than a month. And, um, that, uh, she basically was like very mildly afebrile, but not hot.

He said, it's almost for sure viral. It's probably not bacterial. He goes, you could treat her, but I think it's probably a viral pharyngitis. And so then I gave her i v oone and, and then immediately she was like, um, like 30 or 40% better. And then we did it again today and she was better again. And so we're gonna treat her again.

And it was fairly profound for me to see her, the extent to which she third spaced. So like on day one it was like her entire face was, it was like there was a liter of fluid in there and it was, um, uh, Significantly better, almost like a different person, uh, just after one treatment. It was pretty interesting.

So it's kind of exciting to be able to be helpful for these cases. And that is in the genre of something that I feel like I've done like two or 3000 times of someone coming in with some version of a difficult viral situation that you, um, that, that, uh, responds extremely well to, to ozone. And so then to go back to the, the question, um, in these big problems, I think we have to, we have to really search as hard as we can to figure out is there a viral component of this?

What are all of the antecedents that led up to this? Um, and then, and then I think once you begin to do that, a. People do like 10 times better because you're, um, you're, you're getting the different systems that are all interacting with each other in the body to be working better together. And so if you are, if you're positioning yourself, uh, like, uh, me and Marcella as neurologists, that's kind of interesting.

We're positioning ourself as, you know, neurologically oriented anyways. Um, I think it only makes sense that you have to be a gastroenterologist too, because that, that that drove, that's driving so many neurological processes. Um, what do you do to, because, and so then in it, it, it tied into that question was, well, what do you do to heal the blood brandand barrier?

And so the, I don't know if you guys have ever seen this, this is a, it's kind of a home run experience to me in terms of. Communicating a concept and, um, uh, uh, sh uh, the, the Bermans, uh, Sean Berman, um, and, uh, his dad from Cell Surgical Network. And they're great people, and I'm totally supportive of, uh, their technology and their concepts and, and their stromal vascular fraction adipose stem cell people.

Uh, but, um, obviously we're, that's, that field has taken a little bit of a hit just because of the fda. And interestingly, that's where I came from. I, I basically spent a year with Bob Alexander, uh, doing adipose cases. And so that was my whole world and I created myself to do that. And then the, I'm kind of in the middle of a pivot.

A 10 year pivot. Uh, but um, what they did is they took, uh, uh, they had an animal model and so they took mice and then they applied a shock device to it and created, uh, a traumatic brain injury. And then, um, it, uh, what they did is they took and divided it into two groups, and then one group, um, uh, received no treatment.

And then the other group received, uh, stromal vascular fraction, uh, stem cell treatment that was put into, uh, intravenously into the tail vein of the mouse. And, um, I don't know if they'll let me get a copy of, uh, it may be published. It was in pre, it was pre-print. Well, let's, we'll look for that. We'll find out if, if that is there.

But basically what you see is, uh, all the brains that were not treated, you see these little red hematomas, right where they applied the shockwave and all of the mice that got treated with stem cells, none of them had any hematomas except for one. But it was like way less than the, the other ones. And then they measured their ability to roll over and do all the things that mice do, uh, when they're, uh, running through cages and, and responding to triggers.

And they all basically performed, uh, significantly better than the people that, that the mice were not treated. And so, That was their conversation around regenerative medicine to treat, um, traumatic brain injury. And so th and that they did this trial, uh, six years ago, five years ago. And, um, I think that it was very important from a basic science and from communicating to you this kind of idea of looking at the hematoma, it's like, so like, uh, that is like indelibly burned into my brain at that moment now.

Then so, so then you say, well, what do you do to heal the blood brain barrier? So then before I go to regenerative medicine, then I wanna back all the way up, because I think philosophically what we wanna do is think about the cheapest, easiest, simplest, uh, safest, lowest risk things that we can do. And then in particular, when you think about who's getting.

Traumatic brain injuries. It's a lot of kids. You know, I don't wanna take a 14 year old kid and do an adipose harvest to do a stromal vascular fraction stem cell treatment for their concussion. Like, and, and, and that being said, I still love, I still totally, totally, totally love the idea. Um, I think that n a d is gonna be probably one of the best things that you can do to heal blood-brain barrier barrier problems.

And the reason I, I feel that way is that I've got thousands and thousands of examples of people who came in and start to do NA d IVs and then their veins get better. You see people come in and they had like one iv and then next thing you know, they've got like, or one vein. And I, I, I, I had one hand vein and I would start treating him and treating him and treating him.

And this, a lot of this came from my experience in the addiction world where I would've heroin addicts that had like one tiny vein and then you start treating them and then they start to get better. And then once they start to get better, and then the n a d, imagine that this is a cross section of a blood vessel.

So the N A D is in the middle of the blood vessel and now it's gotta dissolve out and get into the tissue. And so then the, that means some of, a lot of that a d the area of the body that's gonna get the most n a d is actually the endothelial cells, cuz those endothelial cells that are, are, are living right there facing that blood vessel.

And uh, generally my experience is when people start to do. Na divs, they're, uh, sometimes headaches get better. Sometimes a lot of neurovascular symptoms will start to get better. Um, sometimes cardiovascular things will get better. Um, and, uh, and so I'm, I'm quite intrigued by the possibility. The other interesting thing is in terms of traumatic brain injury, the, um, there, there may be, when you look at the long-term complications of why people struggle with traumatic brain injury part, uh, part of that may be the classic excitotoxicity conversation that we all learned in medical school, but there may be, and I found several articles talking about this, uh, talking about a, an alternate non excitotoxicity mechanism of chronic neurological.

Um, uh, damage that's mediated, uh, by, uh, dysfunction in some of the N A D pathways. And interestingly, I've treated a lot of people with, um, T B I and concussion with N A D, and then you'll treat them. And then it, it, I've seen them just be like, oh, I'm back. It's like, oh, I'm back. And I don't know if that's because part of their brain was stunned and was maybe electrically not working, or if the endothelial function started to get a little bit better.

And as a result of that, they were allowed to heal. And the reason I told the story is it was, it was profound to me to see that brain tissue with the hematoma on it versus the brain tissue that was treated and didn't have a hematoma. So the more that we can do to turn inflammation down, We, we can heal that now in this trial.

In that trial, uh, what they did is they gave them the concussion and then they treated 'em like within like an hour or something like that. As opposed to what typically happens with us is somebody gets beaten in the head playing football and then we don't see 'em for like a month until the fact that they just didn't recover and now they're struggling at school.

So, um, so know that we probably need to see people sooner, could do some simple things. Interestingly, you know, it's a lot to do an IV and it's a lot to do an IV for a young person. Um, but I think that there's a, uh, An enormous amount that we can do at lower price points to help people with subcutaneous, n a d and the archway formulation for the subcutaneous n a d is amazing.

And so I think that that's a, a good blood-brain barrier. Um, uh, support, uh, I think that, uh, if, you know, this is a, this is a crazy year, uh, in terms of everything that's going on, um, and it just seems to get crazier. Uh, but the, and so if you, but if you, and, and then obviously, hopefully the regulatory agencies are gonna be weighing in on a lot of what we're talking about from, from a regenerative medicine perspective, the, I think that there's a, a, a good experience of people who've gotten exosomes IV and, uh, Had an improvement in symptoms.

And so what I think we need to do is probably do some trials where you begin to do similar things, either in patients or in an animal model where you give exosomes, um, intravenously and then see if that helps, uh, duplicate something kinda like what Sean did, um, and see, and see if that helps. I think that that, uh, makes a lot of sense.

The, the issue is, is we're, we're in this moment of unfounded or unproven therapies, and so I think we have to be very careful about how we talk about that. I, I think we have to be, um, uh, very, very careful in, in, in, in not promoting that. And that's why I think n E D is a great, uh, a great, a great alternative.

Um, obviously I think, uh, There's a whole bunch of functional medicine, lifestyle, uh, things that I think are all good. Good. Along those lines, Biore Reset Medical is a medical practice specializing in integrative therapies and advanced wellness protocols. At Biore Reset Medical, we treat some of the most challenging to diagnose and difficult to live with ailments that people suffer from today, including Lyme disease, chronic pain, P T D, and mycotoxin illness.

Our team has a wealth of experience and advanced integrative strategies to get you to optimum wellness, many of which can be conducted remotely from the comfort of your own home. Right now, our team's approach is to use the most non-invasive, natural, and integrative way as possible. Find out how we can help you by reaching out to us at 6 5 0 8 8 8 7 9 5 0, or at our website www.

That bio reset medical com, it's gonna be amazing.

Do you have any questions about anything I said up until now? So my question is, how do you dose the, um, subq and a D Oh, how do you dose it? That's a good one. Um, so the two, two people, um, one person has no problems, everything's great in their life and they're kicking ass. Um, that person on day one, I, so I give them a five cc vial and then, so on that person on day one, and then I say, are you sensitive or kind of resistant to stuff?

And if they say I'm sensitive, I might give them a quarter of a CC or I might give 'em a half of a cc, one cc of that product. The subcutaneous is 200 milligrams. So half a CC is a hundred milligrams, and then a quarter of a CC would be 50 milligrams. Yeah. Now, uh, if they were real, if, if, and let's say if you talk to me and you said, I, and you said, Hey, I wanna try N A D, and I said, are you sensitive Hila?

And if you said yes, then I would say, oh, okay. Just do a, a quarter of a CC tomorrow and if you don't really feel anything, do half of a cc the next day. Mm-hmm. But then I think you're probably gonna like to do maybe one cc. Yeah. And, and one cc is 200 milligrams. And that's been kind of the standard dose is between half a cc and one cc.

Um, uh, So, so i e between 102 hundred milligrams. Now the issue is when you do an IV of N A D, the, um, the n A D causes flushing. And so then what happens is as a result, what I can do is I can slow down the iv and the slower the IV goes, the less the, um, flushing is The issue when you do the subcutaneous injection is you're committed to however much, uh, flushing is gonna happen because it's just getting absorbed.

Now, uh, if someone's sensitive to flushing, I always have them do like a bunch of tmg, like maybe half hour before, like, uh, and then now, then in the high dose range, um, Like what happened is, uh, we, for some reason we ordered a lot of subq a e d, but then like the, uh, COVID happened and so then we ended up with like a whole bunch that was expiring.

And so then like I haven't been doing any subq a e d, but then we had a bunch. So I've been doing, like, I did two ccs the last couple days just cuz I was like using it up. And so interestingly now I don't really feel anything with two ccs and I don't do TM tmg, but then if they're walking around, they hand me TMG if I in the hallway or something like that.

So I have almost no symptoms with that and it's kind of interesting. Now what's super, super interesting is there's a cohort of people and then I'm gonna dive into this and figure this out. And I, but I haven't yet. There's a cohort of people who you can do N a D, but if you give them subq, n a d, they will flare like crazy.

I think that's because they've stored toxins in their fat, and so I think some people's fat can be a little bit more toxic. And I think that I was one of those people because when I, when I first heard about subq n e d I was like, yes. And then I injected it and it killed, and then I had a, I had pain the whole, the whole day.

It's really interesting. And it was like that, like the first, uh, 15 times I did it. But then after that, It doesn't hurt at all anywhere, ever when I do it. So what that teaches you is, is that, uh, some people hurt. I think it relates to if their fat is toxic. Interestingly, little data point about me is that I make lipomas and, you know, there are some people that make lipomas and some people that don't.

And that, uh, so I do that and I think that, and interestingly, ever since I started doing this, I didn't, I've all my lipomas stopped growing and then half of 'em have gone away. But some of 'em have not gone away, so I'm like kinda interested in that. I think that's an interesting one. Um, now this is on the healthy side of the conversation.

Now the other, in terms of dosing, n a d subq, the other side of the conversation is people with big issues like lime and mold and a significant percentage of people with lime and mold, if you give them a hundred milligrams of subq or iv and D will super flare them. And, uh, if they're really, really sick, if they can kind of barely make it in and you realize that the whole, their whole world's falling apart, definitely don't give them any d.

At all to get going. And I taught, like, I don't know if I told you guys this, I taught essentially all the Bay Area Lyme doctors, how to do N E d. And um, and remember in the addiction world, everybody was doing super high doses. And then, uh, uh, Eric Gordon told me he gave n E D to handful of pretty sick people where you gave them 200 milligrams and it flared them for like a week.

And so that's because N A D drives detox reactions. And if your detox pathways are not open and not working, if you drive that, it's like I was telling somebody today, if you've got a, uh, if you got a hotel and you got the garbage out of every single room, but then you didn't have a way to get it from the hallway out, the hotel's gonna seem like a mess.

And that's kind of how I think of, uh, of these detox reactions. If you haven't got 'em turned on. And so then, so then your dosing range could be somewhere between 50 and 200 milligrams, or like, I did 400 milligrams a day, but I hadn't been doing it for quite a while. Um, uh, if I had somebody who was sick who wanted to do it, or somebody who was fragile, I would be in, I would be in that 25 to 50 milligrams and then do it as a test dose and maybe even do that for a day or two and prove that they could do that and then do more.

Got it. Is that helpful? Yep. Yeah. The stuff I have is a, is a little expired. Well, I definitely would not give that to anyone, but I mean, give anyone just me. Well, yeah, you, I think it'd be fine for you to give it to yourself as long as it's not that expired and, but I would then, and then if it was, if that's the case, I would still go super low dose.

So does it just lose its potency or does it get like something bad about it? The, the one thing I can tell you, archways, n a d is amazing as far as I can tell. They have the best n a d. It's, there are some other companies that have n a d that has a lot of phosphates in it, and the phosphates are somehow detrimental.

And I don't know what it is about that. I'm gonna talk, call those guys and talk to 'em about it. But I've had 50 people who were like just kind of friends and VIPs who were flying around all the time, and they're like, oh yeah, dude, I like got N A D. And it made me sick for three days when I was in New York, like a bunch of guys went to New York and got n e d and it was, and then they told me what they paid.

I was like, yeah, that's, that's like they paid, like you paid less than the cost of the product. And so then I know that there's a bunch of sketchy. Product out there. Um, and so then that just says what it is. Yeah. Mine was from South Africa. Yeah. I'm not, I don't know anything. Uh, I don't, I I don't have anything good or bad to say about that.

Okay. Fair enough. Thank you. Yeah.

Anything else?

This was kind of an easy one. I'm trying to think on ms. So then I've had, so, so MS patients, I've done culture expanded stem cells in Mexico for patients with ms. Very good experiences. I've done exosomes, uh, out of the country, let's say for ms. Very good experiences. I've done the full set of functional medicine and all that stuff.

Uh, very good experience. I'm all, I've like never done. I've never had. I've never had anyone come in with MS that I didn't find like six major things on functional medicine. And so then that kind of makes sense when you think about these things because that's like this inflammatory neurological condition.

Uh, you know, when you're doing all that stuff, I do the, I, there's a Cyrex panel that's kind of good that I think is interesting, um, that will look at brain autoimmunity and I generally always try to do that whenever I'm d doing any neuro cases and we'll, um, uh, And, and, and then, uh, they, they tend to correlate that if there's any, uh, gluten cross reactivity.

Uh, and, and so that if, if you go to join and, um, uh, look at array seven x and 20, those are, those are, um, interesting. Uh, I think, uh, I, and I think that, uh, ozones gonna be a big player and, and I think ozone dialysis is gonna be kind of an interesting player on the, on the MS side. I, I really do.

Oh, and then for ms, then the next thing is, uh, to go back to that, I would obviously do everything on the blood-brain barrier front, but then, um, I think it's gonna be, it's, I think it's useful and important and I've really, it's like I've really. Been doing as much as I can to talk about regenerative medicine last because it's just kinda, I'm kind of like, well, I wanna do everything that kinda, I don't wanna leave any stone unturned and then I wanna do all of the lower cost amazing, good things that we can do.

And I think peptides is gonna be really interesting. Um, uh, and the, the interesting thing to consider is, um, is does it seem like there's an infectious. Program or does it seem like there's not? And so then I think that's interesting to be able to kind of work your way through, because if there's, if there's an infectious component to it, then that, that's gonna drive me down the thymus and alpha pathway and at least starting that.

Um, and, uh, and then, uh, I have not recently looked at, uh, clan and Cmax in terms of what has been done with those, uh, and ms. Um, obviously there's the entire world of cerebral license, uh, which, um, uh, I'm working on some avenues to bring that to maybe to market a little bit. And so I think that's, um, uh, intriguing and I'm gonna talk to a couple people and then I'm gonna have an answer for you on that.

Uh, hopefully next time I talk to you. But, so then the whole peptide conversation is super interesting, um, uh, a as a, uh, as an adjunct to all of this stuff. And, um, and I think that the combination of functional medicine and peptides and regenerative medicine is a good combination and a good, uh, a, a good approach to the neurodegenerative, neuro neurocognitive, you know, bundled in with some, some version of, of ozone and ozone therapy.

I did a consult with somebody on the other side of the country today, and then he was, he quoted, um, he, he literally, it was, it was amazing. Uh, he quoted, um, he quoted, uh, these, these, uh, a bunch of stuff from Shallenberger. Which was sweet cuz I, I'm, I just have to tell you, Frank is great and, and as you, and it was, uh, I loved that this guy, he, he, he had a entire like paragraph and you read me this paragraph and I was like, if I could, I would literally read you that paragraph and tell you do it.

And so we had a good time, um, uh, with it. But, but Frank, and, and what this patient had found for me was this statement that Frank made, which is that yada, uh, start with low dose therapy and do it twice a week and then work your way up and then slowly do more. And fundamentally what I do is some version of that because I'm doing one, but instead I'm doing major auto hemotherapy, the traditional Schlumberger way.

I'm doing it with a, the, a more modern machine, but we're doing one pass. And then two or three passes and then slowly working our way up. But, um, the, the idea of small, early low dose therapy that, that you can build on, I think is, is a good idea. Uh, Frank's had a good experience taking care using ozone and some of those modalities in patients with concussions.

If I do, if I had somebody that I thought had, uh, blood-brain barrier problems and I did ozone, I probably would give them vitamin C on the same day so I didn't do something oxidative and leave them in that oxidative state. Cuz we were talking about the, the oxidative state and the antioxidative state and it was, I I had, it was kinda interesting cuz you know, last week we were talking about ozone dialysis and we were talking about the yin.

And so ozone is oxidative. It's, it's kind of, it is killing kills things. It's, it's like masculine, so obviously, so I apologize on behalf of men. And then yin is feminine and receiving and healing and kind. And so then vitamin C would be yin, ozone would be young. And so then when, sometimes when one school of thought is do a 10 pass or do ozone and then, and, and then let them ox continue to have an oxidative experience for 24 hours.

And then the next day do yin. And so I, uh, I have this person who's here this week who's super great, who I just am kind of helping and, uh, in, in, in his life. And it was amazing cuz I, uh, I met them at a, just at a party and it just seemed like catastrophically bad problem. And then I, I said, um, well I probably can help you.

Um, and so you should just come see me and then it'll be great. And then, um, I waited for like 18 or 19 months and then he showed up in my clinic one day and it was like, it had, it was like 15 years of like 10 outta 10 pain. It was kind of crazy. Uh, and so then I basically kind of taken that as like one of my pro bono cases.

Uh, and it's just been totally the highlight of my life. And it's kind of interesting cuz it was like stressful to decide what to inject cuz there was like 15 things. And so then we, it was so great cuz I did a lot of hydros dissection with peptides and a lot of hydros dissection with placental matrix.

Um, and. Uh, and, and it all started from a groin injury. Interesting, Lee. And so then the anatomy there is kind of interesting cuz I intersected ator nerve, femoral nerve, sciatic nerve. I did everything. Um, and uh, so it was kind of great cuz he came and, and he doesn't have any pain anymore. It's like really interesting.

He's like, I kind of, I don't know, I think something's in my ankle. But it was amazing because it was like 10 outta 10 pain for like, his whole life and he was on disability. And then now, so then he came and we were working on fatigue. So we did, I was on dialysis and we did that. And then I, um, and so it was, it's just like amazing, you know, to see somebody like just living their life walking around normal, you know?

And so then we, we did a lot, um, Like, you deserve to be here and you deserve to have an amazing life. And it was kind of like, what, what I do with ketamine? And um, I just totally like, loved it. I loved every second of it. And then, um, I did this thing that I'm doing now that I was gonna tell you about, which is I think kind of the greatest, is the greatest thing that I've ever done.

I think

kind of as I'm almost getting choked up thinking about it. But anyways, I, I said we're gonna do this, this thing where we do ketamine and, but I did, I've been doing ketamine assisted therapy. So I do it as a therapy rather than as a, like a, the traditional journey way. And so then what we, we, we, uh, did was I, I run at an, at a real low level.

So it'd be like if you were altered on a scale from one to 10, you're altered like a two or a three or a four, but like, not that altered. So we're talking and having both a back and forth and normal conversation that's kind of like this. And so then I was like, oh, what do you think about this? And then just kind of like talking.

And then what happens is, is we're, we work our way through the big themes of your life. And then there are certain things that are like a big theme. You're like, that's not true for me at all, but I kind of wish it was. And then what happens is, and we all have that, like I could say whatever. Oh yeah. Like I kinda wish I could do that, but I can't do that.

Like whatever that is. So then what it'll happen is I'll sit there, and I did this my whole life as an anesthesiologist, and it kind of hit me, it just hit me out of the blue. And so what I, what I would do when I was anesthesiologist is that I would do nerve blocks and then have someone sedated and then kind of like I knew how long it would take, and then I would turn up at the anesthesia and the ketamine right when they did their thing.

And then I'd turn it off and then it would be like they didn't get quite semi anesthesia and it just like nothing happened. So it's, that was kind of how I made my. Career as an anesthesiologist. So then what I, we found all the stuff that was true for other people, but not true for our experience. So then what I do is I sit there and then I turn the ketamine up and I go up to like an eight out of 10 of intensity.

And so then I'm like, and then I do, I've been doing this thing a lot where I'll do it back and forth. So I'll go, let's, let's say, um, so do you wanna do this with me? Marcella? That's a good one. Go for it. So then what I do is I'll go, ah, I deserve to be here. So now you repeat it. I deserve to be here. I deserve to be here.

I deserve to be here. Awesome. And so then what happens is we'll just kind of talk and we'll talk almost just like this. Just like if you were you, you saw me do kind of stuff like this. But it's the greatest thing ever because all of a sudden, like you were talking to 'em 20 minutes ago and they were like, I don't deserve to be here.

And then all of a sudden you'll get to this moment and then all of a sudden it's like, I deserve to be here. And then what happens is, I came in today and yesterday was the young day cuz we did the ozone. And so then all, he spent the whole day writing, cuz today was his yin day. And so he was looking at everything from a yin perspective and everything yesterday was ya.

And so then we um, And so then what happens is when you can get to that, I de I, I deserve to be here now try this one. We deserve to be here. We deserve to be here. We totally deserve to be here. Totally deserve to be here. And so then what I'll do is I'll, I'll play like, I'll try to figure out what your favorite song is too, if I can, and then I'll play your favorite song.

And then we'll be like, we deserve to be here. And so then what happens is everybody 100% remembers that because it's like, not, ketamine is not an an an and has no amnestic. So you remember everything. And so then what happens is you remember this time where in your entire being with your whole energy and your whole consciousness, you realize, oh, I, we deserve to be here.

And where I go, I never have any idea at all, which kind of is my yoga teacher who was kind of like this, who was like, you just have to find out where you're supposed to go. It's interesting. He was like antithetical to ever having a plan at on anything, which is interesting. But obviously we need to have plans.

But within, within this, then what happens is, what I think is happening is then you get to continually reference back to that moment when you realize that you deserve to, we all deserve to be here. So then in doing that, it's like the next day. And then what I've noticed is I'll talk to people are like, Hey, do you remember that?

Like, they're like, oh yeah, I think about that like 25 times every day.

And so then I'm kind of like, oh, I do think that that's just like kind of the greatest thing ever because then all of a sudden we all deserve to be here and then, and there's a then this interesting, you know, to talk about ms, to talk about Lyme, to talk about all this stuff. And this was like, all the cases that I had the last couple days are all somewhat catastrophically, overwhelmed with fight or flight and stress.

And then I'm noticing like a lot of people, it's interesting, I had a, uh, a friend come in kind of meltdown. And so then I, I just said, oh, come in and do ketamine. And I did it for him. I did the same thing, and it totally worked great. And then he kind of, like, he came to the realization is like, it was all, it was some version of the same thing that like, oh, I deserve to be here.

And that like, and he told me, he said, I, I, I, I felt like there was a hypothetical that I was gonna get through Covid, but I didn't, it was hypothetical and I was really afraid 24 hours a day. And then he said afterwards, he goes, I just feel like I have a shield and I'm walking around and I'm gonna be okay.

Which is this, this is kind of interesting. And I think that to, to tie this back into neurocognitive neurodegenerative and all of that stuff, if, um, if Covid was a. Five outta 10 stress in your life. If you added MS to that, I think it would go to 15. You know, and so you begin to realize everybody on, everybody with big problems has fairly profoundly overwhelming, um, issues with depression and anxiety and stuff like that.

And, um, a lot of it is just a sense that they may not be okay or there may be no solution. Um, the, the great thing is, is that so much of what we do in involves the possibility of taking some control and that, and so you're taking control of. Food and diet and lifestyle and supplements and strategies and, and, um, opportunities.

So, um, but I'm, I'm kinda just endlessly fascinated with kind of the P T S D anxiety, stress kinda space because I think we have this, uh, wonderful possibility to kind of reach out and help people. And so I, if you want me to talk more about that, I'm happy to. But, um, uh, I almost feel like what I wanna do is like do a video of it or something, cuz it's just the most ma and then being part of it is the most magical thing that I've basically ever done because what it'd be like, like we deserve to be here.

Uh, like what we did, what happens is, If you didn't deserve to be here for some reason, Marcella, it would be hard for, I doubt that I could totally get you with every bone in your body to believe it in like 30 minutes. Like that might be like, oh, let's talk to Marcella for once a week, for a couple months, and maybe she'll kind of get her thing right.

But yet my experience is people kind of get there fully, totally, and completely in one little fell swoop of 30 minutes and then that sort of changes everything going forward. Uh, I kind of feel like you could do it without that. Now I'm, I kind of feel like I, I think that if I, uh, have a good enough music system and um, some lights and, and like a whole bunch of nice people kinda doing something, I think we could just get do it without, and that's kind of my, uh, I idea.

But, um, I do think that it's super synergistic. And then also ketamine and, uh, is super, remember that Ketamine's super facilitated by N A D and all that type of stuff. All right. Hey, uh, shout out to Laura. Nice to see you. I owe you a phone call. I'm gonna do that. Um, thank you for texting me though. Um, and then nice to, I know I'm sick.

I can't believe that that happened to you. Um, but that's, I, I love you and I'm thinking of you and I'm gonna call you. Um, nice to see you guys. Thank you. How about, okay. I hope. Was that helpful? Yeah. Yep. Okay. It's gonna be amazing. Here's the thing, it's gonna be amazing and we're gonna get through this. Oh, do you wanna know my, that, you know what I've been telling everybody about the last couple days?

Volatility is the greatest thing ever. Volatility is the greatest thing ever. It's the best. So that's the eye of the holder, you said? Yeah, exactly. You know, it's like, uh, the, um, did I tell you the thing about smart money never loses? No. Somebody told me this. I loved it cuz uh, they were talking about POS politics and crazy things happening and the guy just smiled at me.

He goes, smart money never loses dude. It's gonna be fine. Something bad's gonna happen. That's great opportunity on the other side, a bad thing happen. Don't let a good crisis go to waste. Exactly. Exactly. The famous person said that. I don't remember who, but yeah, find, find out, find that out. And so then even the social things that are going on now represent, um, there that the disre is here because there was dysfunction.

This is just like the same as the gut. Just it's there, there is, there are large systemic issues that are creating inflammation and some, and aspects of our society that we just haven't addressed. And so then, uh, there's this an, there's an enormous opportunity to address that and do good. Um, I have this idea that I wanna do of.

Take a whole bunch of people that had the worst thing that ever happened to 'em in their life, and then do that thing of I deserve to be here together. So then I got a good idea. Everybody, um, unmute yourself.

Okay. So then, uh, let's all say this. We deserve to be here. We deserve to be here. We deserve to be here. We deserve to be here. We deserve, we deserve to be here. We're gonna be way better after this. We're gonna be way, gonna be totally amazing. Totally amazing, amazing, amazing.

All right. Well, I love you guys. Thank you for being here. It's gonna be amazing. Thank you, Dr. Cook. Thank you so much. Oh, you're welcome. Can I ask you a question, Dr. Cook? Sure. How do you test the brain barrier is, do you use Vibrant America or Cyrex, or a different lab? So, so Cyrex has a panel. If you go to join, you can look at their panel and they've got two panels.

I'm not looking at it right now, but I think it's seven x and 20. And, okay. Those, those are a measure of brain autoimmunity. And so then that's a, that's a test. I don't think that there's a perfect. Test for blood for quote unquote leaky blood brain barrier. Um, mm-hmm. But I think there's a, another, another thing is that, um, I think that there's probably a concordance with people who have leaky gut with leaky brain.

And then those antibody tests are, uh, an attempt to look at that. Now, another thing you can do is look, uh, there's some, uh, there's, uh, Cyrex has some, uh, panels that look at, um, uh, and assess for, uh, uh, uh, a leaky, uh, uh, Gastrointestinal barrier. Um, and mm-hmm. You can, I think this is 2, 2, 3, and four. Look, look at those panels.

Um, okay. And so then that, that, that's gonna be useful, um, potentially for you. Okay. Great. Okay. Thank you so much. Okay. Thanks guys. Have an awesome evening. You too. You too.

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In this informative Q & A webinar Dr. Cook gives a detailed description of both functional and regenerative medical strategies used to treat various conditions, including multiple sclerosis.

Dr. Cook identifies and treats the underlying factors contributing to the patient’s neurological symptoms. His protocols are personalized for each patient and are multimodal in nature addressing the physical, mental and emotional components.

Here are links to information and resources that Dr. Cook mentions in this webinar.

Ozone system for washing machines to eliminate mold:

Research study:
Effective Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury in Rowett Nude Rats with Stromal Vascular Fraction Transplantation, 2018


Mold and mycotoxin information from Dr. Andrew Campbell:

Tune in to this insightful discussion.

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