The BioReset Podcast

Psychedelic Living Podcast with Meet Delic & Barbara

February 24, 2021
1h 23min

Our very own Barbara Branaman (Barb) is a guest on a recent Meet Delic Podcast episode, Psychedelic Living. Tune in to this exciting  chat with Barb & Meet Delic's Jackee Stang, where Barb, a powerhouse corporate executive, master of yoga and medical Qigong - in other words "Baby Yoda"- shares her personal experiences and lessons learned throughout her life. She will share tips on how she's managed to stay grounded & positive throughout her most challenging and extremely stressful times.

 But it was only fantasy. The wall was too high. As you can see, no matter how he tried and the into his brain and the into his brain, we have been slave too long to ideology transmitted hierarchically and based on a tremendously alienating instrumentality. We need to empower experience. Delic Radio. Hello up there. We are coming to you live from Delic Radio. On today's show, we have Barbara Brenneman, also known as my friend Barbara. Uh, Barbara's a powerhouse corporate executive, a master of yoga and medical Qigong, and a poster girl for organ transplants.

She's had two. She's also an important female mentor of mine. What I love about Barb is she has a very keen way of staying grounded in the face of extreme stress. She's also a straight A student. Let me tell you of offering kick ass answers to tough questions. It really blows my mind. She is so wise, we affectionately refer to her as baby Yoda.

So we talk about psychedelics and staying grounded today. Thanks for listening to DEIC Radio and for telling a friend. This episode is brought to you by. Reality hosting 5,000 plus pieces of psychedelic content just for you. Knowledge is power. Have a bite.

We're cooking with gas, we're making cookies for breakfast is

and then we're gonna have hamburgers. Yeah. What is it this concept of you can't have breakfast for dinner? I know, I'm, I don't subscribe to that and it's come up because I have had pancakes in granola for dinner all times. Matt staying is like, oh, breakfast for dinner. And I'm like, no, I'm just eating dinner.

I'm just eating food. Yeah, no, I know. It's, it was always so like to go to like International House of Pancakes when you were a kid and get dinner was always so cool. We get this iest thing possible. Yes. Give me my drugs, gimme my drugs. Well, funny enough, this is a podcast about drugs, or at least drug culture, psychedelics, whatever you wanna call them.

Um, we, I know that you are aware of Carl Hart's new book that just came out about the title is, um, uh, A Guide to Doing Drugs as Adults or something like that. And, um, he talks about himself having a habit of doing drugs, but not a, um, no, no, no. A hobby. Not a habit Making drugs. Yes. Right, right. But sugar is one of those drugs or substances that is so widely consumed, but not.

Often referred to as a drug and or talked, you know, it's not, there's not a lot of empathy out there about how addictive it is, and I, I have my own personal issues with, with sugar, but no, a hundred percent. I mean, it's very interesting and I think it's, it would be super helpful for people to understand a little better how that's all evolved.

If you look teleologically like over human history, you know, sugar was this prize thing. You just didn't find a honeycomb very often, and we weren't able to get into it. We're not bears, right? We can't just go like, find really sweet things and it's only a little bit of the year. All of a sudden, you know, you're taking a walk and you see their raspberries and they're finally red and you eat 'em, and then maybe you've, you know, you're sort of a, a, uh, more sedentary culture.

You dry them and you have 'em through the winter, but it's not like you can just. Go in the kitchen and be surrounded by sugar, go in the store and be surrounded by particularly sugar that's been engineered to be more addictive. And when you start to look into what the food industry with, um, you know, genetically modified foods and with, you know, um, the way that sugar was versus it was 50 years ago when it was just from beets or just from, um, corn.

Corn is actually, you know, the, the source of all this modified high fructose corn syrup that is really designed to create that response and that sort of unconscious desire for that, because we're wired to look for that energy, but it shouldn't be so available that it's everywhere. If you stop to get gas or wherever you stop there, you are surrounded by sugar.

It's like if you're in Las Vegas and you're surrounded by slot machines and you have a gambling addiction, of course you're gonna gamble. Right? And so I agree with you and I, I think it's, uh, uh, there's a sort of shamefulness associated with it too. You know, I've heard so many stories of people who you know, are like, yeah, I didn't realize.

That, you know, you were supposed to thaw off the Sara Lee pound cake before you got home. I just would eat it in the car because then no one would know I bought it. You know? So, um, you know, it, it is probably that nicotine are, you know, two of the most super addictive substances that we're around and that are sanctioned by the dominant paradigm of culture.

Mm oh. Versus all the other substances that are judged by whatever, religious or, you know, uh, other kinds of value systems that people want to put on these substances. Yeah. I love what you said, uh, about we're designed to look for that energy, and in typical barbed fashion, you found a way to, um, so wisely say something that's, it's like simple, but the way you said it is.

Really brings paints that picture of, of, well, well, we're just all human here. And, uh, it's not about, like you said, it's not about shame or being bad or not doing something well, or it's not even about willpower at some point, especially with sugar and, uh, well, carbs, opioids, nicotine, like you said, right.

Um, salt and fat. So

they're put together, you know, I mean, I used, you know, I think about the, when I became type one diabetic as a child, uh, you know, all of a sudden sugar was this forbidden thing. And I remember going through these different phases of, well, I'm a smart person. I know how to eat enough sugar, and then nobody will know.

And then I'll get to, because when I, before I was diagnosed, literally to stay conscious, I had to go in the kitchen surreptitiously and pour sugar down my throat. And I knew something was wrong with me, but I didn't want anyone to know, you know, you always hide that weakness as a child and then all of a sudden to be told, okay, you're done with sugar.

And I'm like, uh, and it took me a couple years of trial and error to figure out I can either have this short term, extremely strong rush and I didn't know a lot of other rushes then. Right. I didn't, there was no cannabis there, you know, hadn't experienced in with alcohol. I was a kid and uh, uh, you know, then I figured out, wow, if I really wanna.

Have very long on the planet and feel very good, I gotta stop eating this. So in some ways it was easier for me than other people because I kind of saw it as an ultimatum. But for most people it's like, oh, it's okay. You know, to, that's my favorite thing. It reminds me of my childhood. I'll have it. But then they're like, oh no, everybody says I should be keto.

There's just so much value and judgment out there around food. It creates an even bigger attraction to it. Um, and it takes us back to those super early times, um, when that was a reward, you know? Yeah. For being a good girl. Wow. So you were Bo it sounds you were born wise, Barb. I think, yeah. I, uh, we, we, um, were, uh, I hope it's obvious, good friends and, uh, uh, but this is your first time on Delic radio and so I wanna go through, You know, to me you are so wise and, and I value that so much.

Not just in general, but as, as a female too. It's because I think, um, well, I ascribe to this idea that, uh, women have a certain kind of wisdom and or can gain a certain kind of wisdom through life that is, uh, really the, the belly of, of the universe and, and can help other people, um, on their journeys and their paths.

But you have, uh, speaking of journeys, you have an interesting one. I mean, you've seen a lot of physical trauma and experienced, I'm sure, um, other types of trauma, emotional trauma and professional trauma growing up and, and being an an executive in Valley back in would, that was, that would. Was your time there in the nineties?

Yeah. Nineties and, and, and early s. Yeah. I actually exited, um, tech in 2009. That was my final, um, swan song when the universe said to me, here is a severance package. What do you wanna do with your life? And I was like, wow, what a gift. Even though this is one of the most stressful, traumatic things that can happen, which is that you get told that you're not, that your job is going away.

Yeah. Oh, wow. It was, you know, which was, and I miss, and I, I didn't really understand the, in the, uh, intensity of that and how far reaching that would be to be able to process that, to loo, to be, have your identity of, you know, whatever it was like at that point. You know, 20, almost 30 years of a corporate career and being in a place where it's like, oh, I was the big boss, right?

To, I'm like, nothing. I was a yoga teacher and a chick that did a lot of energy medicine stuff and, and you know, uh, just sort of going, wow, there's a lot of freedom in that. But that's also really, um, you know, emotionally challenging not to have that to fall back on of, of who your identity is. So that was probably one of the most valuable experiences of my life, having to have put a lot into a particular identity and then just be able to just take it off and walk away.

Um, and, uh, you know, kind of, and then sort of let whatever bubbles up, bubble up and what I was doing was a lot of teaching and so, Then I recognize, oh, that's who people think I am now. I'm cool with that too. It's just a different jacket. We all get to make that decision almost every day to be who decide who we wanna be in the world.

We just don't perceive that we perceive that we're in this box of how people look at us. Oh, so true. I was watching a YouTube video this morning from Joe De Joe Deena, who, um, I'll put it in the show notes, but I was, uh, like kind of a morning affirmation. Watch this in the morning. And it's, it's very simple.

But, but needed and describing the thought patterns that we wake up with really carry us throughout our day and how we think about ourselves. And I, I can relate to that so much because I very, very often wake up with, uh, thoughts of, oh shit, and, uh, what's the worst case scenario gonna be today? And so, and even as a, as a person who seeks to.

Constantly be better and to grow and to reach my, um, peak performance as much as possible. I, I get in this bubble that I don't even know that I'm in, especially during Covid, you don't have a lot of reflectors mm-hmm. To, to show you that you're in these bubbles. And, um, but yeah, I like the idea of, uh, of, of, of what you said, of, of being like thrown out of this experience that you would become accustomed to, that you were this one thing and then, and then life showed that you were able to be something else.

But, um, okay. But before that, uh, so you were diagnosed with type two diabetes as a, as a young girl Yeah. In Kentucky. You grew up in Kentucky? Yep. Grew up in Henderson, Kentucky. Right. On the, oh, Ohio River. Um, which was the dividing line between north and south. So I al so I always thought it was so interesting that, that there was still all this presence of separation and the division, and particularly as the stuff's happened with the insurrection and everything recently, um, you know, uh, how, how we, these arbitrary dividing lines.

But yes, I grew up in Kentucky, bucolic sort of, uh, rural, um, but the town was a county seat. You know, my dad was a lawyer, so it was a professional sort of situation and uh, I always kind of knew that I wasn't gonna stay there even though it was an amazing place to live, uh, as a kid, you know, lots of big elm trees and you know, swinging on ropes and country, sliding down the sled, you know, sliding down the biggest hill in town, which, you know, happened to be where we were.

So it was super fun. Uh, and you know, I'm really thankful for that, that environment because it gave me something to push against because I knew even as a kid that it was not, I. You always could have felt like I wasn't quite gonna fit in there. That wasn't gonna be my over all full life. Um, and, uh, left there at 17 and, uh, I still have lots of friends and, and my parents lived there until they passed.

But, uh, I knew that that was just gonna be the, the basis. And, you know, at that point from a health standpoint, there wasn't, you know, a lot of understanding of nutrition and how that affects, um, uh, an autoimmune disease like DI Type one diabetics, which turned, who turned out to be Celiac. So, you know, know at that point didn't know.

Don't eat, don't eat gluten, don't eat wheat. Um, and also, you know, there just wasn't good technology. Now there's way better technology for that, um, particular disease, but for some reason, uh, and and I often thought about the fact that if I'd been born before like 1910 when uh, best and Banting discovered, uh, insulin as the cause of, you know, this wasting disease called type one diabetes, that children would get, mostly young people would get that if I'd been born, you know, 70 years earlier, I wouldn't have lived.

And I thought, wow, that's, I must be your reason why I'm here cuz I have this, you know, ability to do these little shots that keep me alive. Wow. And, uh, you know, that was, and that was a lifetime thing that was gonna happen. But then 25 years later, as you know, uh, the technology changed. Just like technology always changes.

And I was able to get a pancreas transplant and I'm not diabetic anymore. And that was a miracle because I manifested that from the time I was like a kid. I would think about like, what if I could get a new pancreas and it wasn't possible, and then it became possible. So if I couldn't get a bigger message from the universe that you can manifest your own reality, that was a pretty big one.

Wow. And, uh, you know, even today it's not that common, but, um, what an incredible blessing. So speaking of how you start your day, it's easy for me to always remember, even though, you know, you think about all the possible things that could happen today, that it's a blessing to be in a body, and it's a blessing to be on the planet right now because there's so much possibility for innovation and change and healing.

Oh, so true. I love this concept of arbitrary boundaries or arbitrary lines because, you know, you said it, speaking from your experience growing up in, uh, you know, on the border of an of north and south values, uh, generally speaking. And I grew up in Texas, uh, very, very close to the border between Texas or the US and, uh, and Mexico.

Uh, and many people know that that's, it's not really a border, it's kind of a geographical border because there's a mountain range and, and there's a river. Uh, but you know, thinking about Trump and his rhetoric, talking about building a wall was always crazy to me because that's like, there's, well, first of all, nature kind of put a wall there already and.

When you experience Right, the Rio Grand, right. When you experience a line or a boundary firsthand, viscerally, it seems so ridiculous. Or, or, you know, there's so many examples in history like the Berlin Wall and, um, borders in general. I mean, the ocean's a pretty, that's pretty concrete and like, you know, obvious.

But, but then you think psychologically, these waking up with negative thoughts is this arbitrary boundary or border that we're creating for ourselves that doesn't actually need to be there. And a hundred percent. A hundred percent. And creating the perspective and the flexing the muscles over and over again to remind your, to remind yourself or to give you.

The tools that you need to be reem to, to be reminded that, oh shit, okay, I'm in a bubble again. I'm just gonna get outta this bubble now. You know, like, go to a new bubble. And I, and I think, so I would imagine that going through something like type one diabetes as a, as a young gal, and then getting a transplant, not one, but two.

Yeah. So, oh my. Um, such a blessing. Such a blessing. What, what was the second one? Kidney. So one of the, um, main, so, so diabetes in general, and of course that includes type two is like, causes something like 30% of the kidney failure that happens. Um, you know, then there's polycystic kidney disease, which is a hereditary condition.

Um, and then there's, uh, other factors, hypertension, et cetera. But yeah, um, the theory is, uh, if you, when your kidneys are failing and you're diabetic and your type one diabetic, the, the, the current, the thinking then was if you were gonna have to be on immunosuppressive. Drug regimen for the rest of your life in order to keep your new kidney.

Why not get two and co and solve the underlying cause of it? And this is where you start getting into this turtles all the way down idea because, so some unknown autoimmune disease caused my body to, to, uh, attack, um, the particular kind of cells called the islets of Langerhans in my pancreas that make insulin.

So I still have a functioning pancreas, it does everything else, digestive juices and everything, but doesn't do insulin. So, um, they, the thinking is that's the blood sugar control and the insulin issue is what caused the kidney disease. So you get both. So I got both the kidney and a pancreas and then, but still there's this underlying autoimmune disease that caused that failure in the first place.

And so, um, you know, part of the blessing of the gift is trying to. Understand that. And I think it's one of the things that kept me kind of interested in medicine to start understanding why do people have these mysterious things where their bodies attack themselves? Because autoimmune disease is an epidemic in our culture.

And clearly there's environmental things. Clearly there's emotional, spiritual, mental pieces of it, but there's also some fundamental biology behind it. And I think we're just starting to unravel that, whether it's, you know, the epidemic of, of, uh, hypothyroidism, right? That's an autoimmune disease that many, many people have, particularly women, um, that we're just starting to understand how to modulate that with not just drugs or even, you know, natural thyroid supplements, but lifestyle and diet particularly, and sleep and meditation and yoga, and all these things that reduce the physical, physiological stress on our body.

So I think when I think back on it, you know, Being in the medical field now in the regenerative, sort of forward looking frontier of medicine was always kind of in the cards for me because I've always been interested in what are, what's, what's below that and what's below that and what's below that. And fundamentally, what's below that is our, our biochemistry.

And I always rebelled against this kind of idea that anatomy is destiny. You know, I just felt that like Freudian pressure and I knew it was wrong, you know, that it was way more complicated than that. Um, and that, you know, we're nots not a sentence, uh, that you know, because you're, you know, the, because this is the way you are when you're 12.

This is the way you are gonna be when you're 52 mm. You actually can be way healthier later in your life. Because we now have access to much more information, things that we can change, um, you know, through lifestyle modifications, um, that are our choice versus, you know, something that's imposed on us because we're trying to look a certain way.

Oh. Which is a whole nother topic. That is a juicy one. Yeah. Well, this idea that, uh, this genetic conversation, I know growing up there was a lot of that going on where, oh, well this is, this is a set because of your genetics, which is such a lazy way of being because it's not real. Uh, it was just, it's just, uh, I mean, you can verify things.

Sure. Genetics is a, like, is a science and, and people are more, Genetically predisposed the things and diseases and, and conditions and shapes and hair color and that, like, that's definitely a thing. But I love this idea that it's not the, it's not your only option. And there are, thanks to technology, um, there are new ways and ancient ways of, of changing your experience.

And I, it's one of the many things I love about you and what, and what you guys are doing over at Biore Reset, which is you're pulling in a variety of approaches to helping people with autoimmune diseases. I know that you guys deal with a lot of autoimmune, uh, things at your office or conditions at your office, but just in general, like, you know, we're talking Qigong.

Uh, new technology, injectables, peptides, uh, ketamine, uh, nutrition supplements, um, you know, emotional health and, and in, and this emotional, um, point specifically is, is is challenging. I get stuck on it a lot because, um, well I grew up in a medical household, but it was all, so, it was all about what is the la what does the blood test say?

And here's a pill for that. And there was almost no talk about the emotional, spiritual side of things. And, and then I moved to California. Uh, and there's more talk about the emotional side of things and, and I always waiver in between like, okay, well what is the science and what is the spirituality and what's the emotional and where do they all meet up?

And can you have all of them at one time? Yes, you can. It's not all or nothing. And, uh, the more in my own personal health journey, I think the more and more, cuz I ca I've taken so many blood tests and so, and stool samples throughout the years and I, I'm constantly looking for something. I'm constantly looking for like a very serious underlying condition, which, like, I have, you know, I, there's infections that I've had and, uh, you know, it's biologically the gut is, you know, I'm just still trying to get it to a.

To an a plus plus situation. But, um, so much of my shit is spiritual. So much of my shit's emotional. Um, and I, it's an important, it's an important connection to make, whether you believe in the hippie dippy energy thing or not, or whether you're in Oklahoma somewhere and you're just like, you don't subscribe to that.

It's, it's important to pay attention to it because, because why not? Because medical Western medicine's probably not actually helping you. So here's an opportunity to look at the other energy sources of what's going on with you and your wellness. Well said. And I think that the, the interesting thing is I think.

You know, I remember in the seventies people talked about there was this book called the Dow of Physics, and it was looking at ancient, so the ancient Chinese philosophical system of, of Daoism and, and how they described the reality. And then looking at what modern physics was just starting to show us what's happening, you know, at a level that we weren't able to observe before.

We could only theorize because electron microscopes became available and all of a sudden the models of, of how the universe worked started shifting. And it very much looked a lot like this concept of this, um, circular repeating, um, philosophy and connection with nature and how we're all animals and, and beings on the planet, and how we interact and just how similar that all was, and recognizing that, oh, We, uh, there, there, there's a certain realism philosophy of this is, you know, the only thing that's real is this table and recognizing that, oh, actually this table is just what we can see in this reality.

And I think that's one of the reasons why you see so many more people being aware of that Now, even if they're a little suspicious of it, is because of psychedelics and because of different consciousness. You know, whether you get there through, you know, 25 years of meditation or you get there through, you know, taking l s D, there's actually starting to be way more of a, an awareness that, oh, this reality is actually just what I can see in this reality.

And there can be many multiple realities happening at this time because you can go to the movies and see it now, you know, into the multiverse. Mm. And it's super ex, I think, kind of exciting because now it's, there's a little bit more of a listening for those things and an understanding of those things.

Because, because the, you know, if you're 20 years old, you've been seeing that reality your whole life on the screen and in video games and in. You know, um, uh, seeing sacred geo, sacred geometry and, and those kinds of things. So it becomes, it's become much more part of the conversation. I think that's an encouraging development.

Yeah. In general that the media and the, and what we consume and share has become so much more open. Um, and even just the legalization of cannabis or the, the decriminalization of cannabis in the state where, uh, we live right now is, um, I think, you know, just shifted. Attitudes have shifted so much since I was a kid, for instance.

On, on just sort of how, what is consciousness and, and, um, you know, how important it is for the emotional things. Like how many, you know, hearing that the, that the fastest growing market of people can, going to dispensaries or getting deliveries from dispensaries is, you know, people in their. Seventies and sixties and eighties who are looking for, you know, relief from pain and relief from insomnia and these sort of modern diseases that, that have developed as a result of all this wonderful technology.

Uh, and you know, the, if, if you get one person off of Ambien and onto doing a gummy at night and they sleep better, wow. The world's a better place. Mm-hmm. And you multiply that by thousands or millions of people, um, that's a positive shift. It's super positive. Um, and I, well, I know my mom, I know my mom is, uh, she, so she has multiple sclerosis, which is an autoimmune disease.

Mm-hmm. And to our knowledge is the first person in our recent lineage to have that. Or any autoimmune disease generally, we're, we don't have many diseases in, in my bloodline. Uh, and guys are a hardy bunch, as, as she would say, you could see it's programmed into it. Um, we're tough stock. Um, exactly. But I, you know, and she would say, and she has said to me, you know, she's, she carries this idea that it, it that her MS was perhaps energetically brought on by emotional trauma of her own and, and the way that she did or didn't deal with it throughout her entire life.

And she attributes, um, uh, her a new way of thinking or, uh, adherence to positive thinking to keeping her MS symptoms at bay. And, uh, I love to see her stoned on cannabis specifically because, Throughout my life, like being constantly around people who smoke weed stoners and, and then people who do it just occasionally.

It's, it's more rare, I think to experience a person who, um, who could take a lot of it, can take in a lot of cannabis and not, um, and their personality doesn't change that much and, or it gets, I don't say better, but it gets, they seem happier or they seem more at a homeostasis, um, that feels good to them.

And my mom is one of 'em, and my little brother is another one who, uh, who, and it's, uh, so, but she's still, she's in Texas and still can't freaking get access to cannabis, uh, easily. Yeah. It's so annoying. Is that is a, I was talking to a very dear friend who is um, gonna be moving to Texas in the next couple months for soccer.

For her true love. Uh, someone else is moving to Texas. Yeah, moving to Texas. Everyone's doing, and, uh, and she's concerned about that because she really uses cannabis medicinally. Um, and instead of needing to use cannabis, needing to use sleeping pills, et cetera, and she's like, that's her biggest concern right now is how to manage that.

And I'm like, wow. You know, you don't even think about that. Or people come visit from other states and they're like, this is so civilized compared to where I live. Well, yes, it's, well, I dunno about parts of LA aren't, don't feel very civilized right now, but, well, yeah. Or maybe actually as Chris Ryan, uh, Dr.

Chris Ryan would say, uh, civilized to death actually. Right. Uh, referencing his, his most recent book, um, she'll, she'll, she'll be able to access in Texas. I promise it'll just, it just won't feel, it won't feel as open, which is super unfortunate. Right. Um, yeah, the trains left the station. We know that. And, you know, um, on the federal level, something may happen or may not happen, but, you know, at the, at the people organizing level, they will be availability.

So that's always, yeah. I remember growing up, I mean, uh, when I was growing up as a teenager, I think Kentucky was the fourth largest cannabis grower in the country. And, you know, just was kind of one of those things that happens cuz they, you know, I remember going out into corn fields and there'd be pot plants growing there, you know, um, because the corn would grow faster than the pot, so the helicopters couldn't see it, but there would still be enough light and, you know, well that makes sense.

Awesome. Well, yeah, and we used to grow tons of hemp and on the east coast and in the, in that area of the country. Right, exactly. Before it got out loud. Um, and a whole nother kinda crazy, weird categorization of hemp as a, um, dangerous drug. It's, it's so dangerous, Barb. You could lock your doors at night.

Exactly. I mean, you can make like baskets and clothing with it. You can like write laws on it or, you know, like a, the Declaration of Independence. I don't know. Um, yeah, paper, paper, paper. Um, okay, so I'm, I'm zeroing on this, this, this, uh, idea of energy. Uh, this idea of energy, which is like, uh, a silly thing to say cuz it's really, it's really a constant and the only you know one thing's for sure.

There's a bunch of energy going on around us, but when, when we say, When you say even the word energy or you speak like that in many parts of the US and I bet the west, other parts of the world, there's a stigma attached to it. Maybe not so much anymore, but when I was growing up like, oh, energy work and when, when, when, um, and I don't much like psychedelics and drugs.

There's this, you know, there's this stigma that's this false narrative attached to this thing that's so obviously scientific and real and in, in existence. Um, and you know, and so, okay, so you, I mean, I would imagine, you know, so you have type, you get diagnosed with type one diabetes very young, and that's.

Energetically a lot. And then you, because of that over time as a young adult, how old were you when you got your transplants? Uh, I was, uh, actually, uh, 39. Okay. Wow. Okay. Wow, wow. So you'd gone through a significant part of your life, adult life. And, um, and then you need a transplant at 39, and there's a lot of energetic presence that goes along with that.

And then you are, I guess, simultaneously working as an executive and a male dominated, uh, very analytical. World called tech, right? Yeah. You were working while getting right. And when did you, how old were you when you left tech? Um, uh, uh, let's see. That was like, so, um, like 50, right? So then you, I'm getting somewhere.

I promise. So then, yeah, so you come, you come, then you leave tech with this like vast life experience and wisdom that you were obviously born with. And then you go into yoga, right? You pivot into this, this, um, juxtaposition if you will, of learning yoga. And I think, and I've heard you, you and Doc tell amazing stories about working under.

Uh, a Russian guy. What is his name? Yeah, ADI Sheeran. He's an amazing, uh, yoga master that we were really blessed to spend, uh, a number of years doing sort of a deep dive. And he was, uh, one of these people that is very physically gifted and also has a huge amount of energy and, uh, you know, had been on a, had had a, you know, an interesting life of, of